The passing of legacy of a deceased upon his/ her heirs is governed by various laws in India such as Hindu Succession Act, Indian Succession Act, etc. If a person dies leaving behind any testamentary WILL, the passing of legacy of deceased is termed as Testamentary Succession. WILL is a testament by which a person reflects his/ her wish as to how his/ her assets be devolved upon after the death of the person. A person, who is a beneficiary in the WILL is required to get the WILL probated from the Court of competent jurisdiction as per laws of inheritance. ‘Probate’ means the copy of a Will, certified under the seal of a court of competent jurisdiction, with a grant of administration to the estate of the testator. A probate of WILL establishes and authenticates the WILL finally. A probate is a conclusive end proof of the fact that the WILL was duly executed by its executor and is genuine and the last and final WILL of the deceased. It provides the beneficiary the confirmed right and authority to access the assets of the deceased as bequeathed in the WILL and get the asset transferred in the name of the beneficiary.